Policy for the collection of facial data when using the application

The App will use TrueDepth API provided by Apple Inc. to project illustrations of superficial and deep fat pads on users’ faces in real time. To use such technology, it is necessary to access the app through a supported device and allow camera access during a session.

The camera video images and data obtained from TrueDepth API are used only for the purposes of using the features of the app, including augmenting fat pads on users’ faces and for discussing changes in the features of the face. The images and data are available only for the duration of use of the app and are deleted after the user closes the app, exits the augmentation section, or resets the session.

None of the user's facial data is shared with third parties, saved by the Company, or used for purposes other than the use of the app.

For additional information regarding how Allergan Aesthetics, an AbbVie Company, processes personal data and for a description of your data privacy rights, please visit: https://privacy.abbvie/privacy-policies/uk-privacy-policy.html